Monday 19 September 2011

Tequila Nights lead to thoughts of a Mexican wrestling career....

We spent the first couple of days of Mexico on the beach during the day and chilling with a few cervezas at night. Our plan of going to the Hilton to use their sun loungers for free fell through as its closed down now, probably cause everyone is using it for free! Saw a few baby turtles breaking through their eggs on the beach, seemed to be cordoned off by a local hotel on the beach so turtle soup will be on the menu for a while to come! Was a Tequila night in our hostel and I get a feeling most of the hostels in Mexico have a free Tequila night. I don't mind the Tequila at all here but not a fan of it at home, don't know if its the quality or the setting or a combination of both. Whatever the reason, free Tequila is better Tequila!

We went to Puerto Morelos the next day with one of the lads we met in our hostel. Guy called Aaron from Montana who took a semester out from college. Very relaxed surfer type person, one of a very few Americans who bother backpacking from what I can tell. Israeli's seem to be everwhere (have already met quite a few of them). Morelos was a small nice town on the beach with zero toursits so was nice, cheap and quiet. Approaching thunderstorm on the horizon never unfolded so Sarah kept on building her tan while I still tried to get a red burn base down. The Mosquitos have taken a liking for Sarah as she is currently sporting about +20 bites but she's in her element in this lifestyle of laziness.

We only got to hear the Dubs game online as nowhere was showing it, sounded like a brilliant game and I'd say there was a few sore heads for the few that made it to work the next day. One of the best weekends of sport I can remember so it must be a good omen when we travel. So if you want Ireland to win the world cup, please donate money to the send 'Mark & Sarah away so we can win WC 2014' fund. Cash donations of any size welcome!

For the EB crew that went to Cancun I can testify 'Coco Bongo' is still going strong (from the outside anyway, wasn't paying $60 to see the inside) and that the local rival 'The City' apparently featured DJ Mark Doyle that night (see promo poster below). Also got a Mexican wrestling mask Rey Mysterio style, its the first step for me to try and break into the wrestling scene here in Mexico. I'm currently building my dramatic back story at the moment with Sarah as the woman that drove me to the undergorund wrestling world, Seanie B - I'm sure you have some pointers into the lives of wrestlers. Next stop is Isla Mujeres, so up for ferry in the morning...

Turtles just coming out of eggs

Playa in hotel Zone

Sun Terrace at our hostel (pre free Tequila night)
Sarah and Aaron in Puerto Morelos

The thunderstorm that never happend

'The City' Cancun, feturing DJ Mark Doyle, 17th Sep

Live from Cancun Rey Mysterio -v- The Red Headed Gringo

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